Sunday, April 5, 2020


Arithmetic operators


Arithmetic operators

The Arithmetic operators perform Arithmetic operations . The arithmetic operator can operate on any built in data types. A list of arithmetic operator and their meaning are given below.
Operator                                                           Meaning
+                                                                Addition or Unary plus
–                                                                Subtraction or Unary minus
*                                                                 Multiplication
/                                                                 Division
%                                                                Modulo Division
This table shows the symbols of arithmetic, together with their duties. These operators allow you to write expressions whose evaluation is precisely the treatment of information that made the computer. Arithmetic operators, along with a wide range of features resident in the library of the language used make it possible to perform calculations of all kinds.
Suppose that a and b are integer variables whose values are 100 and 4, respectively. Several arithmetic expressions involving these variables are shown below, together with their resulting values.
Expression Value
a + b 104
a – b 96
a * b 400
a / b 25
a % b 0

Vibhor Sharma

Author & Editor



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